If you were on Linkedin 10 years ago, then you likely remember when it was essentially an e-resume that provided a platform for jobs and career-based networking. But since then, Linkedin has grown to be so much more than just a platform for jobs. Thanks to an update back in 2014, LinkedIn began allowing users to host their own blog within their profile. This major milestone gave users a valuable way to build an audience and share their perspectives.  

This update, introduced by Linkedin, gave users everywhere the means to build their thought leadership. With a Linkedin blog you can reach a wide audience and continue to grow that audience by showcasing your ideas and point of view.  

Since 2014, LinkedIn has consistently added and enhanced features to create a massive platform for building and sharing your thought leadership. Most recently, LinkedIn announced a few new upgrades that will completely enhance the way creators connect and share on the platform. Linkedin can be an extremely powerful tool for building your thought leadership, so be sure to pay attention to and utilize these new features to continue to extend your reach: 

More In-depth Data to Optimize Your Creator Strategy 

Linkedin plans on introducing a more in depth way to track your profile’s data. These analytics will go beyond just engagement rates and impressions. With more insights and analytics available, you’ll be able to see what strategies are working (or not) for you so that you can adjust as needed to continue building your thought leadership. You’ll also be able to see individual post analytics. With this in-depth insight, you’ll be able to recalibrate your creator strategy as needed in order to optimize your leadership reach.  

The “Subscribe” Bell 

With Linkedin’s new “subscribe” bell at the top of your profile, your followers will never miss a post. This feature allows followers to get notified when their favorite creators post so that nothing goes unseen. This enhancement is an excellent way for users to better connect with their favorite creators and for creators to continue to build their community.  

Newsletters to Create a Community 

Last year LinkedIn gave users the opportunity to have their own newsletter publishing system, and it’s been a big hit among creators and their audiences. If you’re not already using the newsletter publishing system to build your thought leadership, you should be. It’s a great tool for sharing your ideas and building a community of like-minded individuals.

New Profile Video Tools 

Adding a video to your profile allows you to share your ideas and experience with your audience in a more authentic manner. Linkedin is optimizing this feature with more stats and prompts. This enhancement will give you prompts to inspire you on what to share. This is a great tool for gaining inspiration. You’ll also get stats on how many people viewed your video. Also, your Profile Video ring will now be shown in the feed so that other users can learn more about you and find out what makes you unique as a creator. These powerful new video upgrades will allow you to quickly and authentically share your unique leadership perspective with your followers and tons of other Linkedin users. 

Thought Leadership on Linkedin  

The bottom line is that Linkedin is clearly so much more than just a platform for jobs. As a creator on Linkedin, you have the power to deliver valuable expertise, insight and perspectives to your audience. If you take advantage of these new tools and upgrades, as well as continue to be your authentic self when sharing new ideas, your community will keep growing and thriving.  


Mark Your Calendars

What does it take to live boldly…to live unapologetically you?

How would it feel if you were completely self expressed and attracting new opportunities daily?

Claiming your stance to stand out goes beyond owning and sharing your voice.

Claiming your stance is about knowing your WHY. It’s about caring about what you do and who you serve.

In this special event, Rachel and Joshua B.Lee will talk with the Best Selling Author and Executive Coach, Amy Eliza Wong. You’ll learn:

???? 4 Step Process to Claim your Stance

???? How stepping into your authentic self creates dream opportunities

???? Learn how Rachel, Josh and Amy, are claiming their stance on LinkedIn to stand out

???? This rare opportunity takes place on Zoom and certain $SOA Coin holders will have exclusive access to the LIVE Q&A. ????