Yes, LinkedIn is a fantastic place when you’re searching for a new job– but it’s so much more.

If you take the time to master LinkedIn by leveling up your profile and spending time on the site as you would with other social media platforms, you’ll see it’s a powerhouse for marketing and gives you an awesome toolset to grow your personal brand and make long-lasting connections.

For this week’s Dopamine Dose, I’m going to share 3 ways you can effectively use LinkedIn even when you’re not on the hunt for a job.

1) Learn New Skills and Develop Old Ones

Whether you’re fresh in your career or a bonafide thought leader in your industry, the quest to become better and learn more never ends. LinkedIn provides a variety of ways for you to improve the skills you already possess and pick up some new ones along the way.

Constant personal and career development is essential to getting a leg up on the competition, regardless of if you’re an entrepreneur or heading down the path to becoming a senior member of your company.

LinkedIn has three main avenues for you to learn something new and stay sharp.

The first is simply your LinkedIn feed. Here, you’ll see what’s the current information alongside posts, newsletters, and articles that share invaluable information and data from experts in their field. The more you engage with the content, LinkedIn will show you similar or other stuff you might find interesting.

The second is LinkedIn Learning, which is a subscription service that offers structured courses on various topics such as Content Writing, Video Editing, Digital Marketing, SEO, and so much more. It’s a robust library of educational material that can help you develop as a person and professional.

Finally, there are LinkedIn groups, where you can connect with like-minded people to bounce ideas and thoughts in constructive conversations.

LinkedIn also allows companies and thought-leaders to host webinars and other video-based content where you can learn from the best of the best.

2) Build and Grow Your Network

Since its inception, networking has been a core principle for LinkedIn. Today, it’s still an integral part of the platform.

You can follow and connect with workmates, other professionals in your industry, your favorite CEOs, entrepreneurs, clients and many more. However, it’s also a place where you can grow your own community by delivering valuable information, expressing new ideas, and sharing your expertise.

There are a ton of benefits from nurturing a robust network, and it opens you up for boundless opportunities– find new clients, get a new mentor, receive invaluable professional advice, or get referrals from others in your network.

And growing your network doesn’t need to be mind boggling. Simply be active on the site, attend training sessions and networking events, and hang on to those business cards you get in the real world.

3) Show Your Worth

LinkedIn also boasts a host of features that help you stand above the competition and show potential clients and customers you’ve got the stuff. No matter how you slice it and no matter what you’re trying to do, competition is fierce. And even if you’re the best of the best, you can get drowned out by the louder and more visible competitor.

Here are two features you need to keep an eye on to ensure you’re getting the edge:

●     Professional Background: This is your moment to show off your accolades and level of expertise. List off the companies you’ve worked for, businesses you’ve started, your accomplishments, your awards, books published, and anything else that you can put that proves you’re a true thought leader.

●     Featured Section: This area on your profile allows you to showcase videos, articles, or off-site links to put a spotlight on content, products, or what you feel gives off the best first impression. This feature can be extremely useful for giving visitors a feel of what you offer at a glance and can have a profound impact on growing your network and snagging that new client. Be sure to utilize it to its full potential.

There are many more ways that you can get the most out of LinkedIn, even when you’re not looking for a job. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Be sure to come back for your Dopamine Dose where I drop all the LinkedIn marketing jewels I’ve picked up over the years.

Thanks for reading!

Joshua B. Lee


Mark Your Calendars

Rachel B. Lee and Joshua have an awesome audio event coming up and you’re not going to want to miss a minute of it.  

They’re going to be joining the amazing team over at Web3 Insanity – Robert Hanna, Francesca M. Witzburg⚖️™️®©Mitch Jackson, Esq. & Caleb Pfohl for a no holds barred LinkedIn Audio session about Web3. 

They’re chatting with these amazing experts on emerging Web3 technologies, how they’ll affect you and what it takes to STAND OUT WITH AUTHORITY in the next web!  

It’s happening on November 7th, at 2pm CST – click here to get registered and get ready for this insightful and value packed event!