AI and Humanity: The Perfect Blend for Success

There’s no escaping AI. From over 14,700 AI startups in the US to an ecosystem of over 8 billion mobile devices equipped with AI assistants, the digital landscape is being reshaped by AI. In the world of business, Kodak serves as a cautionary tale of what can happen when a company fails to adapt to technological advancements.

Kodak Infographic

Kodak Infographic Sourced and Credit to Powered by Scalar (2.5.9)

Once a photography giant, Eastman Kodak Company famously fell behind with the rise of digital cameras and digital photography. Despite inventing the first digital camera in 1975, Kodak struggled to capitalize on this innovation and ultimately declared bankruptcy in 2012. This serves as a stark reminder that businesses must be willing to evolve and embrace new technologies, such as AI, to stay relevant in an ever-changing market.

So, the question isn’t whether AI will play a role in your career or business, it’s how prepared you are to leverage it.

Embracing the AI Revolution: How Technology Shapes Our Everyday Lives

AI’s presence in our daily lives is undeniable. From the moment we wake up in the morning until we head to bed at night, we subconsciously rely on AI. Think about how you set your alarm, what commands you tell Siri, Alexa, or Bixby, or even how you send messages at the crack of dawn. Voice-to-text ring any bells? Or how about as simple as using a tool to spell check and auto correct?

It’s not just about fancy gadgets or futuristic innovations anymore. AI is embedded in the very fabric of our digital interactions, from personal assistants like Siri to advanced machine learning algorithms driving business insights. Yet, despite this widespread adoption, there’s a critical element often overlooked: the human touch.

The Human Element in AI

So many people ask me, “Josh, are we getting replaced by AI?” My short answer is always: NO; but – a person who uses AI the right way and leverages it as a career skill, can replace us in the long run. Here’s the good news though: AI tools are only as good as the people using them.

Take Amazon, for instance. They got hit with a lawsuit because their AI recruiting tool was actually biased against women. Turns out, the algorithm was all about favoring male candidates because it had been trained on resumes from the last decade, mostly from men. This lack of diversity not only hurt their workforce, but also put a dent in their ability to attract top talent.

AI vs humans

Source and Credit: Coin Telegraph

This whole mess just goes to show the importance of finding a sweet spot between AI automation and good ol’ human instinct in the decision-making process. Sure, AI can speed things up and make life easier, but let’s not forget that nothing beats good old human judgment and empathy in certain situations. By finding that balance between technology and the human touch, companies can create a workplace that’s not only efficient, but also welcoming and diverse.

The Human Element in Your Content with AI

Think about the last time ChatGPT pushed out content that you were 100% satisfied with? According to Tooltester, on average, people can correctly distinguish AI-written content from human written content 46.9% of the time. This means, almost half the time, your audience can potentially tell whether you used AI tools to write thought leadership content. And if they can tell that you’re using AI all the time, there’s a chance they might think you really don’t have a voice and you’re probably not the leader they thought you were 👀

AI tools are only as good as the people using them. It’s easy to get lost in the tech, but at the end of the day, it’s human expertise that brings AI’s full potential to life. The right skills and knowledge can turn a simple tool into a powerful asset for your career and business.

Here are 3 tips to help you keep the human element in your content with AI:

🔵 1. Inject your personality: Don’t let AI completely take over your voice. Make sure to add your own personal touch, anecdotes, and unique perspective to the content generated by AI. This will help maintain authenticity and keep your audience engaged.

🔵 2. Edit and refine: While AI can help speed up the content creation process, it’s best to review and edit the content to ensure it aligns with your brand voice and messaging. Take the time to refine the content and make it more relatable to your target audience.

🔵 3. Collaborate with a human writer: Consider partnering with a skilled human writer to work alongside AI tools. This collaboration can help infuse creativity, emotion, and storytelling elements that AI may lack. By combining the strengths of both human and AI, you can create content that truly resonates with your audience.

The AI Skills Gap

In 2024, the AI skills gap is like trying to save the day without your trusty cape – you’ve got all the powers, but without the right skills, you can’t use them to their full potential. It’s like having Iron Man’s suit but not knowing what each button does and how to use it. 72% of leaders believe the AI skills gap needs to be addressed, and McKinsey agrees, stating that the lack of skilled talent is holding back AI’s potential.

But hey, where there’s a gap, there’s an opportunity. Tech companies are itching to pay top dollar for AI-savvy leaders. This isn’t just some passing fad; it’s a career booster. CNN even reports that mastering AI can bump up your pay by 25%. It’s not just about the cash, though; it’s about seizing the chance to take your success to new heights by partnering with AI, syncing with it, and making the most of its powers.

Netflix and AI graphic

Netflix and AI image source and credit: Studio Vi

Take a page from Netflix‘s book. They’re using AI for personalized movie recommendations, content creation, and optimizing their streaming service. But guess who’s calling the shots? That’s right, humans! These folks have embraced AI to revolutionize how we consume media and stay ahead of the competition. And that’s the kind of powerhouse move that separates the big players from the rest.

The Economic Benefits of AI Skills

Blockbuster, once a big shot in the entertainment industry, went down in flames because they refused to adapt to the changing times. Sound familiar? It’s a powerful reminder that stubbornly clinging to outdated models can lead to disaster. Just like Kodak and Blockbuster missed the boat by ignoring technological advancements, businesses that turn a blind eye to AI could end up playing catch-up to their more innovative competitors.

Blockbuster Video Image

Source and Credit: Reuters Rick Wiling United States

73% of employers are on the hunt for leaders with AI skills. Why? Because these skills are like gold, driving productivity and boosting work quality. And get this – in some fields, AI-savvy individuals are raking in salary increases of up to 40%. That’s not chump change. It’s not just about making more money (though that’s a nice perk). It’s about setting yourself up as a trailblazer who can roll with the punches, innovate, and seize the opportunities that come your way.

The digital transformation we’re seeing today is just the tip of the iceberg – those armed with AI skills will not only stay relevant but will also steer the ship towards a future filled with endless possibilities.

In conclusion, still think you’re losing to AI? Think again.

YOU are the missing ingredient in the AI revolution. Don’t sleep on this opportunity because it could be the biggest mistake of your career and business. Start today. Dive into AI learning, integrate these tools into your workflow. AI is more than the next app you speak or send prompts to – it’s an enabler. It amplifies our abilities, making us more efficient and effective. But to truly utilize its power, you need to bring your A-game. You need to be a skilled professional who can turn potential into reality.

Let’s embrace AI not as a replacement but as a partner in our journey toward success. How are you integrating AI into your workflow? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments and let’s lead this AI revolution together.

💡 Want to build real relationships with your audience and stand out in a world of automation? I had an insightful conversation on the Today’s Business Leaders podcast hosted by Gabe Arnold, where we discussed the importance of putting the human back into marketing.

From ditching cold calls and emails to creating authentic connections, I’m sharing my expertise on how to humanize your brand in the age of AI. Plus, I’m sharing a few tips on how to get the most out of your LinkedIn network by connecting with others, building your brand, and standing out with your content. Thanks for having me on as a guest Gabe, I hope to be back again.

Tune in and check it out here! 💻