Building the Perfect LinkedIn Headline "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 7 14% We use the XYZ statement to build the perfect LinkedIn headline. It goes like this: I help X (who exactly do you support) do Y (what exactly do you do with your product/service) so they can achieve Z (what is the outcome/benefit of working with you). This statement can be used on your LinkedIn headline when you pitch yourself quickly or even introduce yourself at a networking event. For the LinkedIn headline, you only have 200 characters so you don’t have to say ‘I’ and you can also add additional keywords to the end of the statement for search-ability. Who do you help with your product(s)/service(s)?*I help _____ (complete it). 💡 i.e. entrepreneurs, coaches, executives, etc. What do you help them do?*I help them to _____ (complete it). What exactly do you offer? Think about hard skills that are SEO centric. 💡 i.e. build their personal brand, marketing strategy, and content What is the outcome they get after working with you?:*I help X do Y so that they Z_____ (complete it). 💡 i.e. increase sales by 200% and create more freedom in their lives ✅ Tip: Think about results & emotions Amazing job! You're about to get the perfect headline for your LinkedIn profile so you can attract your ideal audience. Are you ready to stand out and become an authority in your industry?In order to send the script to your inbox, we'll need a good email to send it to. Please provide us with the best email to reach you at:* By providing your email address, you consent to receive promotional emails and other communications from StandOut Authority. Your personal information will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy, and you may unsubscribe at any time. Thank you for that! Now, what's your full name? First Last Thanks for taking our quiz! Connect with us on LinkedIn with a personalized invite and your headline, and we’ll let you know what we think!